Saturday, August 3, 2013

Animal Jam Rares #2: Legendary Wings and Beta Black Wings

Haillo, the second rare of this blog is... Legendary Wings! I know the real truth behind them, so I just wanted to say it. Legendary Wings were found in Best Dressed when it first came out, then were never heard from again. You know how best dressed has so many unreleased item colors? Those so called "Legendary Wings" were just called "Wings". They were later revised into the golden wings at epic wonders. Those Wings were a goldish-tan color with cranberry red tips.

They have never been heard from since beta, and it's been 2 years since beta, so they will probably never come out in their original colors since AJHQ already revised them into golden wings. That does NOT make golden wings rare. Golden Wings are SOLD. There are no trades for these wings, because they don't exist. If someone did have them, they'd be worth everything. The owner probably wouldn't trade them anyways.
Another Wing color that has confused jammers is the black beta wings.
These wings were sold in beta, and they are gray/black with white tips. That wing color was deleted from the game, and revised into the Halloween 2010 Scary Bat Wings. If a pair of these wings in the original colors did exist, it would be worth everything too. Or if both the beta gray wings and legendary wings had a pair in existance, you could trade gray for legendary.


  1. I randomly looked up z on the buddy list thing and he had PURPLE LEGENDARY WINGS ON! He was a nm, too.

  2. So I have the pink short spike wrist that's rare jamgram me if u want it my user is lilianboss:D

  3. Can someone tell me what my list is worth? im: bramblestar1015
    NR Blue Spike Collar
    Epic Penguin Plushie
    Beta Blue Vines
    Wishing Well, etc etc, look @ my trade list and jag me what it is worth XDDD
